Lèse-majesté in Thailand
Thailand has always legally restricted rights of free speech and rights to check the monarch’s power. The lese majeste law allows any individual to file a report against anyone with at least 3 to 15 years served in prison. In the past year, the lese majeste law was provoked frequently to restrict the rights and freedom of the people and utilized as a means to favor the political rights of both the government and the monarch for 60 years.
What is Lèse-majesté
Criminal Code 2499 Section 112 states that any individual who disparages and threatens the monarch family will be punished with at least 3 to 5 years in confinement without any clear statement on what behaviors are qualified as ‘disparage’ the monarchy. In many cases, the interpretation of behaviors that disparage the royals is becoming too broad.
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Problematic & Inhumane
After the coup d'etat of Prayuth Chan-ocha in 2014, Section 112 or Lese majeste law has been provoked many times to suppress the opponent’s freedom with อัญชัญ’s case that was convicted with 43 years and 6 months served in prison.
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Moreover, those who are convicted because of Section 112 aren’t allowed to be bailed out. Many of the convicts eventually pleaded guilty as the trial consumes too much time, and by pleading guilty, you will be released from confinement quicker. Because the interpretation of what kind of behaviors are qualified as disparaging the monarchy, some people are charged with disparaging the royal family when they mentioned the royal pets or the work of the monarchs.
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Anyone can report anyone with Section 112, and the law enforcement oftentimes accept the report as speaking against the monarchy can be interpreted as a nation's threats after the coup d’etat in 2014. Any Section 112 case will be proceeded by the military court until September 12th, 2016.
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Differences Between Thai Monarchy and Others

Many countries that have the monarchy either don’t have lese majeste law or the lese majeste has never been provoked for a long time like Japan. England also considered the royals as common citizens and proceeded the case with only fine, not confinement. In countries like Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway, the punishment is relatively minor.

Joe Gordon, a US Citizen, was convicted for 5-years’ imprisonment. His crime was translating a biography of Bhumibol published by Yale University.
Harry Nicolaides, an Australian writer, spent six months in a Thai prison under the Thai lèse majesté law, for a passage in a 2005 novel that defamed the Thai monarchy.
Lèse-majesté Cases
Urgent Resolution
  • Allow any suspects of Section 112, 116 to be bailed out
  • Release all political prisoners
  • Abolish Section 112 or lese majeste
We Need Your Help
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